Journey Water
Multimedia installation, 2015
In August 2014, I spent ten days visiting thirteen rivers and creeks that make up the Upper Snake River Watershed. Armed with varied photographic equipment and media, I bushwhacked for miles through the landscape with a goal to document and record each waterway. Using a combination of still life, mapping, found objects, book making, video and sound, the installation and Journey Water book share my encounters of this unique ecosystem.
Journey Water, installation view
Journey Water, installation view
Journey Water, installation view
Watershed Rocks, 44x50 in. archival pigment print
Snake River Driftwood, found objects, dimensions variable
Journey Water, installation view
Journey Water, installation view
Flow Chart, 44x60 in. archival pigment print
Stills from each video recorded over the course of 10 days are cropped in a circle and placed in the relative geographical location in which they were taken. The size of each circle is based on its cubic foot per second (CFS) or flow rate at the various locations.
Flow Chart, detail
Confluence, single channel video with sound, installation view
Confluence combines multiple videos and corresponding audio recordings of each waterway visited in the Upper Snake Headwaters. The video is projected on a four-foot wide circle hovering just above the ground creating a surreal visual and aural experience for the viewer, while also mimicking an actual encounter in the landscape.